
This blog is dedicated to my sharings about general life and others, a bit of a personal memorial of my (now) youth and what I've done, seen, experienced, enjoyed. Life is finite, experiences are finite, but archival can make that experience last, just a little longer.

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Tuesday 20 August 2024

Penang August: D5 (Finale)


Last day overseas, nothing done today.

Yeah this is a highlight. I haven't seen a Nissan Sentra (B14). Why a highlight? A friend owns one. I'm drawn to them since. Some of them have SR16 swaps too.

I did miss a Lexus SC430. Slight shame.

Home now, will try to wrap up other articles like the 0808 meet hosted by k4ges and the CnK National Day meet. Its time for me to take a snooze. Goodbye.


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