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Monday 19 August 2024

Penang August: D4


Today's admittedly not going to house much content. 

Still debating whether in the future if I could purchase a Honda EK sedan. Still debating.

Drove to Batu Ferrengi to Hard Rock Cafe again. This time and for the first time, is me behind the wheel. We found a stretch of winding roads we hadn't found before, or never to memory. Was fun especially with a few vehicles crossing the median. Of course, the actual piece of winding road leading up to Hard Rock Cafe is also quite fun.

Not a Singapore C&C badge, which is interesting (Only to me)

RM90. Bit of a customary thing for the family at this point to come here once per trip for a meal together now.

There was a Hummer too. I can't comment on the parking work.

Drove back via the same route, less/more fun because the weather caught up super fast. On the right you can see the absolute disarray of the weather, and you can visualize that sort of weather with a winding piece of road with poor lighting, blinding headlights from lots of cars and a not-so functional wiper.

Worse being the dinner spot of today being in the busiest stretch of Penang. Did drop my phone in a puddle getting out.

Made it back alive. Again, super short entry although a little bit of an adventure. Tomorrow will be the last day of the trip. Its nice to see the Airtrek again.


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