
This blog is dedicated to my sharings about general life and others, a bit of a personal memorial of my (now) youth and what I've done, seen, experienced, enjoyed. Life is finite, experiences are finite, but archival can make that experience last, just a little longer.

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Tuesday 19 September 2023

Penang: Trip 3 Day 5

 Trip 3 Day 5 (Final)

Penang - 18/9/23 - A super short entry to conclude the trip.

Indeed, as the first few lines suggest, this'll be super short.

One more drive out, was really anxious thinking about the car's condition (Honestly just really bothered about the repair costs)

Ralliart Edition propaganda

One last dinner..

Indeed, it is time to part ways. Hopefully while we're away will the car be able to be diagnosed.

Few hours later, back in Singapore I am. See you folks next time, the next entry in the blog. Same with the other writers.


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