Car Life SG; Digital and Real car culture of the 2020's, compressed in early 2000's format (At best)
This blog is dedicated to our sharings about general car enthusiast life in Singapore and others, a bit of a personal memorial of our youth and what we've done, seen, experienced, enjoyed. Sadly due to how things are run here, not all cars can live a full life as they would be intended. As such, we will try to document whatever we can and archive photos of what will one day become forgottens of the past. Life is a finite experience.
Singapore - 13/11/23 - New Cars N Kopi meet. The last one was all the way in August, so its been a long wait for another one to be organiz...
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Sunday, 17 September 2023
Penang: Trip 3 Day 4
Trip 3 Day 4
Penang - 17/9/23 - Its been a rocky few days with many reliability issues, but its time to proceed with a round-island drive!
Penang island is a very mountainous and compared to Singapore, is plenty under-developed and less urbanized. Its a different environment to immerse oneself in, especially with the common sight of high-rise structures almost everywhere (Which is what Singapore excels at!)
Attached will be the drive through the mountainous edges of Penang island, what it has to offer.
But first, a fellow rarity!
I never expected to see another one, but this showed up, such a surprise. I do not believe the owner saw us, but I'd happily have gave the owner a wave. Thanks for keeping these alive!
Back to the original idea of today... Here is over an hour long of Penang traffic, through the urban areas and into the mountain roads. The videos all will have no audio, so play your music as you please.
One unfortunate thing about the roads is that these mountain stretches ARE the main roads. Penang does not support alternative routes for majority of their stretches, which is one contributing factor to its probably infamous congestion problem. What this also means is a really congested mountain pass best enjoyable, maybe only at night if lucky.
In the meantime, lunch was settled around at a port more dedicated to fishing, here are some high-res photos of what was around the area.
Onwards! The next stop is the same place that I've already been driven to earlier; 2 Acres Cafe
Apart from food, 2 Acres Cafe does host animals for you to watch as they, well, do animal things.
As this is the second-last day out and about, we've decided on going to do some ATV Riding for this trip. I have my doubts on the conditions, seeing how scarily strong the rain just was a couple of hours ago.
No matter though, the weather settled long enough.
As one of the riders, I had no opportunity to take any videos of photos mid-trip, so photos of the break is the most I can provide.
While no sunset as anticipated, it eventually came when we were finished.
With such an open space and an inviting sunset, its opportunistic to take the photoshoot I've wanted to do with this car.
On more professional shots, here is what I compiled for an Instagram post:
On more amateur (looking) photos:
Photos taken by my father, whom I will shamelessly admit, does is not as knowledgeable as me to take good photos. 😁 I do appreciate the effort though, thanks so much.
Time for us to head home, back through another mountainous road. Little bit of spice added to this one though, so sit back and watch (If you're inclined to)
This entry concludes here. Tomorrow is temporary farewell to this little island and the Airtrek. Stay tuned!
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