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Thursday, 29 June 2023

Penang: Round-island tour

 Round-island tour

Penang - 29/6/23 - Today's schedule is a tour around island Penang, to explore new places and also to spend some time being back on the beautiful mountain passages.

Route planned doesn't use main stretches like highways, so most of the road used are more backroads.

First touge completed

First 3-Door Hyundai Getz of the trip.

Up next is the second mountain road of the drive.

This road is NOT to be underestimated.
This road sports narrow lanes, guardrails that probably wouldn't save you, extremely narrow turns and the consistent clear scenery to remind you of a fiery death should you make a huge mistake.


The road leads to a quarry, one that you don't see in Singapore. A nice enough view to stop halfway for a quick photo.

Its an airy atmosphere.

An incomplete panaromic photo

Rainfall spotted from the sea, we quickly jumped back into the Innova and continued the way.

A quick shift in plans meant an unexpected pitstop. The road eventually leads us to the Hard Rock Hotel, therefore there's where the pitstop will be.

I don't suspect its a Subaru Viki (M80), probably a Daihatsu Mira. Chopped into the shape of a pickup.

Personally, a very big nostalgia trip. Some of my earliest memories were in Hard Rock Hotel, and after years of absence from the establishment, I have come back for a meal.

Always good food

Singapore-plate(?) Mini Countryman - LTA's Road Tax cannot find a record for this car. Maybe I've been deceived...

Sitting out back in the carpark sits a Fiat Coupe 20V.

This is the second unit I've seen ever, happily also in Penang.

It is time to vacate, and the trip back has one final touge-esque road.

City-driving awaits

Peugeot convertible, second of the trip

The Matrix Effect

A BMW Z4 and a Toyota Yaris


The second Suzuki Swift Sport of the trip (Or if not, one kitted to mimic a Sport)

Very good condition Daihatsu Charade

Time to conclude the day. I hope to see you tomorrow, of which I would like to remind that my flight back is tomorrow, so it'll be the end of this Penang trip. Till then, bye!


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