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Monday, 16 December 2024

Penang: December 2024: Entry (2/4)

 Wew, running errands today, a drive out to buy and bring over furniture, beyond anything else.

Starting with breakfast before the trip out.

My introduction to Malaysia's recent
new plate scheme for electric vehicles

On the drive out, I spot a familiar rear end and strangely familiar color. As I drive closer, I know what it is by model, but closer...


Easily the best thing I might see for the whole trip. Its the dream, and its here, in the same area as I stay. A Daihatsu Charade GTti / GTXx. I didn't see if it had a sunroof to confirm it is a GTXx, but the graphics definitely say so, and the 3 door configuration is telling enough. I couldn't tell you how long I purposely stayed behind to oogle at it until it eventually took a different turn on the highway. Maybe one day?

Furniture shopping takes a while as one could affirm. 

Wish Aerosports!

While partly satisfied to have picked a SUV / Wagon body shape, it ran out of space. We needed a convoy vehicle to haul the rest of the bits.

Impressively spacious compared to the vehicles in Singapore. Its no doubt
an appeal of a wagon body shape!

Another furniture run..

And then dinner. The whole day spent outside, tiresome. Pretty sure on the way out did the rear suspension bottom out. Probably need to replace the suspension sometime.

All said and done, tens of boxes sent over, and finally time for me to write all of this up.

Wow, I'm honestly impressed by today; traffic condition, the Charade 3 door, the trip, the food (I didn't write about it, but it was good!). Sweet little trip out.


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