
This blog is dedicated to our sharings about general car enthusiast life in Singapore and others, a bit of a personal memorial of our youth and what we've done, seen, experienced, enjoyed. Sadly due to how things are run here, not all cars can live a full life as they would be intended. As such, we will try to document whatever we can and archive photos of what will one day become forgottens of the past. Life is a finite experience.

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Thursday, 12 December 2024

12/12: HDB Hasumi

Good day. This is more than likely to be something I'd cringe at in the future, but this is just a point in my life that I'm willing to place a bit. I mean, all the anime I've written in the Japan trip, plus attending AFA in cosplay and all.

Well, one of the characters that I do like has their virtual birthday on the 12th, so like other players of Blue Archive, there's some actual element of celebration regarding it. Though they do reserve said celebrations to themselves or closed groups. But still, I've written about AFA and what I wore, so I don't think my interest in Blue Archive is that tight-knitted. I'm more or less keeping this as a reminder of how things were on my end of things in the 2020's. Time is gonna fly, similar to how I've stayed with this game since launch, since 3 years ago. Happy Birthday, Hasumi Hanekawa.

Poetic timing

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