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Thursday 25 July 2024

Elanmi: "One-off" concern

 Got the car back yesterday from an engine diagnosis.

As it did, at a traffic spot, it decided to suddenly kill the ignition. However, it started back up no issue. Later on on the same trip, the engine jerked and hesitated twice, and is audible in the clip. Again, no idea why it did.

Took it into the workshop the next day, and no issues on the first and second trip?

The workshop couldn't diagnose it either, but they do suspect its the wiring. Considering the issues of:

- Closing the glovebox (By slamming it because it doesn't work) kills the ignition

- The speedometer is reading wrongly

- The workshop has commented about the original wiring being a complete mess

I think its the wiring too. The trouble would be that the wiring runs into the body, and considering the front is an entire clamshell...

They don't really want to do it since its gonna be alot of work, so I'll have to consult another workshop to rectify it when the time comes.


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