
This blog is dedicated to my sharings about general life and others, a bit of a personal memorial of my (now) youth and what I've done, seen, experienced, enjoyed. Life is finite, experiences are finite, but archival can make that experience last, just a little longer.

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Tuesday 19 March 2024

Penang 2024

I know its been a while, but an update; I'll be in Penang again. Its been a while, but I hope to update this page especially about the Airtrek. Since the last entry in Penang, it has gotten restoration work, like engine hoses, rewiring, brake pads, aftermarket ECU removal, servicing, lots have been done on it, but not everything. 

Starting tomorrow will be more comprehensive text, for now though, I think I'll write up to here. Also, for this trip, I think I'll be writing like this; less of an article and more of a personal writeup. Reading other blogposts of yesteryears, it is how the others are written, so I think I will try to adopt such a writing style. The other articles will still be written as is though, like the Traffic Spots articles, since its the only logical way I can think of writing them. Hope you understand. For now, I think I'll get some shut-eye, it was a late flight. See you tomorrow!

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