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Sunday 1 January 2023

2022 Penang: Day 8

 Written 1/1/23, Set 30/12/22

Another day, another bout of unrelentless complaining and random nonsense generated by yours truly.

Today's itinerary starts with a trip to the local Ikea. Well, local means we have to journey our way through a massive bridge to get to the Ikea.

I believe this to be the bridge that connects Penang and mainland Penang. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm not at all surprised at the length of the bridge as this isn't the first time I'm on that bridge this trip, but it is such a long bridge that you cannot make out the other side of the bridge due to the fog that envelops the other end.

One of the more uncommon Malaysia plate prefixes.

In my experiences, it takes around 15-20 minutes to travel across the bridge at the speed limit and a few "increments" over. Its bloody long and totally unexpected to the unsuspecting Singaporan.

Apart from a few slightly interesting NPC cars, there's nothing else noteworthy about the drive to Ikea. I'd say the Ikea itself was more interesting, and I'll let you know more shortly.

Finding a parking space? No problem.

Green spot

Did you think you have a parking spot? Look at his expression;
he knows damn well what he's doing and
he's proud of what he has accomplished.

 Oh, the good ol' Malaysia switcheroo. It wasn't just us who got caught out by it either.

What did I not expect in this Ikea? Two things; Blahaj and the stores.

Blahaj is self-explanatory. The sheer amount of the damn things was phenomenal and easily trumps over Singapore's stock. The last time I went searching for a Blahaj, I was both unlucky to have found nil and on another occasion only found the small one. Here had mountains upon mountains of Blahaj that were waiting for a new home.

THIS is the first thing that I ever saw inside this
Ikea. Absolute madness.

Keeping with the theme were other
aquatic animals like whales.

Naturally, I would leave the Ikea having gained something of positive value.

Now, the other factor that wow'd me was the abundance of other stores that had made its way inside the Ikea. In Singapore, the Ikea's you go to are completely independent except from the one in Jurong whereby the Ikea is located inside the shopping mall (At the time of writing). But alas, the Ikea you find in Singapore is essentially, just Ikea.

What you find here is stores like MollyFantasy, Realme or if memory serves me right, Harvey Norman as well. Its super strange to see these other store located within an Ikea, especially when I'm pretty certain they didn't just call that place an Ikea shopping mall.

Figuring I didn't have anything to look at in Ikea, I did some extreme gaming (Wagwan mednight)

Gaming came and went, and we left to meet my father's friend, which required us to drive back into the island and go to a popular dining where we'll meet him there.

Mercedes E350 spotted in the Ikea

A decent subject-focus photo for once

Myvi effect

Wira Aeroback effect

I didn't take any pictures of the food but it was nice and everything. All I have are more carspotting, so that's probably going to be the rest of this entry today.

At first I thought it was a huge coincidence of Volvo's, it turns out its a workshop that supposedly specializes in Volvo's given the quantity.

After a small tour around the nearby streets, we dropped my father's friend off at Penang hill and drove the way back. Here's what we saw on that trip.

Second Thai plate seen through the trip.

Unironically one of the nicest images taken this year.

  1. Ultra-rare spot (to me), Mitsubishi Colt. Not the Plus, just the standard Colt. These are uber-rare in Singapore now (At the time of writing) and it was a delight to chance upon this unit.

Off to get some red wine in another mall and off we went for the night. Happy New Years Eve!


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