
This blog is dedicated to my sharings about general life and others, a bit of a personal memorial of my (now) youth and what I've done, seen, experienced, enjoyed. Life is finite, experiences are finite, but archival can make that experience last, just a little longer.

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Monday 14 September 2020

Introductions: Charade / Satria RX

Introduction: CharadeRX

 Good morning, afternoon, night.

Well, do know that my presence here will not be a pronounced one, as Efini is more invested with this page than I could. But mainly, I assist him with back-end stuff, some technical work or compiling what he needs. You'll likely be seeing me write a piece or two regarding things that he may need in the future or what not.

Not to say I have zero interest with this page, I do, but I generally just don't have anything I want to share, but again, anything that I could interject or help with, I'll definitely like to.

I look forward to working with you. Peace.


Edit: I have since changed my user to SatriaRX, so do refer to be under that alias going forward. Thank you. By the way, I know it is confusing, but I am handling the @CelestarCars Instagam, even though Emiri is the one doing the writeups. That'll be changed at a later date.

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