
This blog is dedicated to our sharings about general car enthusiast life in Singapore and others, a bit of a personal memorial of our youth and what we've done, seen, experienced, enjoyed. Sadly due to how things are run here, not all cars can live a full life as they would be intended. As such, we will try to document whatever we can and archive photos of what will one day become forgottens of the past. Life is a finite experience.

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Saturday, 6 June 2020

Introduction: Emiri

  Introduction: Emiri


On this page, I'm the one specializing in ROBLOX articles, whilst FD takes over on the IRL tasks.

As you'd expect, my content is solely based on ROBLOX cars and the Celestar Islands map.

This whole blog was originally inspired by Noriyaro's early era of the Noriyaro website and dorohoteki in the Roblox Car Community and his very direct influence from his website to articles on this blog.

Photo Credit: Noriyaro

Photo Credit: dorohoteki

Maybe to stir up some form of lore:

Here in Celestar Islands, I primarily drive a 2000 Proton Satria GTi, one of two that I have owned before. The previous car was an identical year model, painted in black and swapped with an All-Wheel Drive drivetrain and a supercharger to push the motor to just under 200 Horsepower. That car was later sold to accommodate for personal reasons, but I am back in another Satria GTi, a silver unit with slight modifications done-up by the previous owner.

Primarily, I operate as a student, but I often work as a part-time journalist documenting the car culture here in Celestar. Racing both on track and illicit races on public mountain roads is what I do want to cover eventually, since these will never last long from the inherent risks. But nevertheless, I strive and have done a few articles and have assisted in a few local magazines that has both front covers made by me or featured articles written by me. With this blog do I hope to reach out more to the net and place my two cents on certain cars and cultures.

I leave lots of probably pivotal information on the table because I can't think of them now, however I hope that what I've written will be enough for you, the reader, to get an idea of what I'll be doing here. Till next time!


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