
This blog is dedicated to our sharings about general car enthusiast life in Singapore and others, a bit of a personal memorial of our youth and what we've done, seen, experienced, enjoyed. Sadly due to how things are run here, not all cars can live a full life as they would be intended. As such, we will try to document whatever we can and archive photos of what will one day become forgottens of the past. Life is a finite experience.

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Sunday, 3 November 2024

Elanmi floormats

Vaccuuming my interior as there was an abundance of leaves and dust. I flip the mats over, and...

I have bigger reason to find new floor mats.

I was debating on a full color mat, like the above attached... 

Ebay didn't have the color choices I wanted, and I was contemplating on Autostyle.

However, one company selling Autostyle mats couldn't ship to Singapore, Autostyle on Ebay didn't have the blue I was looking for. As it seems though, they have their own website, and lo and behold, customization that I want.

The royal blue is sadly out of stock, likely they will arrive next month all in all. Looking forward to receiving them.


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