
This blog is dedicated to our sharings about general car enthusiast life in Singapore and others, a bit of a personal memorial of our youth and what we've done, seen, experienced, enjoyed. Sadly due to how things are run here, not all cars can live a full life as they would be intended. As such, we will try to document whatever we can and archive photos of what will one day become forgottens of the past. Life is a finite experience.

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Monday, 13 November 2023

Cars 'N' Kopi (13 November 2023)

 Singapore - 13/11/23 - New Cars N Kopi meet. The last one was all the way in August, so its been a long wait for another one to be organized. 

The main highlight of most people (Via the cover art) is a rally-looking Porsche 911. There was a Dakar, it'll be shown in the pictures.

I am beginning to be a little burnt out with writing these; considering its not very easy to backlog which car showed up for which meet, and etc. Overall, its not a very easy way to backtrack photos of specific cars and the like. However, I think it'll be better for me to just think of these as sorting my photos into their respective files, but here it'll be both publicized for others to see, and a more safe way of storage. (As my physical drive imploded itself and I've lost 6 years of files from that)

I think the readers won't be interested in seeing more of my personal (if not irrelevant) thoughts, so the rest will be the pictures section.



A black plate Citroen DS. Now how cool is this? One of, if not the best suspensions to ever come on an automobile.

One of at least 3 (SBP, SBQ, SLJ) Nissan NX Sunny Coupe's still on the road. I remember finding this exact unit some 3 years ago, being the only unit I had seen for the next 1-2 years, especially before I actually looked into the local car scene.

18 January 2020

EV71U (As of now) is the last (I think?) Skyline R34 V-Spec II. The other V-Spec II unit was "scrapped" back around in 2011 come the then sky high fees.

To those wondering, SGR34A is a 2.5M.

Once again, a big assortment of Toyota Corolla AE101's.

As it appears, this unit is actually
a gated manual, largely rarer than
the automatic models that are
commonplace in the country.

Bit of a wonder why the BMW E90 335i
was a more popular option over the rival
Mercedes C350 of identical model year.

A spicy Audi S4 wagon on display

A clean example of a Nissan 350Z. This unit is a factory manual, but used to be in silver.

Very elusive generation of Octavia, nevermind the VRS. This unit is a manual as well, extra cool.

Toyota AE86 corner

Itasha corner

The BMW E34 that had me strongly considering one before the purchase of my Elan.

A pair of Porsche's (I will not delve into their specific models as although I know they have significance, I don't actually recognize fully what they are), a few of my favorite photos of this session

ES798Y is of two Subaru Impreza GC8's part of this meet

According to Straits Times, only two GRMN Yaris were imported into Singapore.

The spec one level above the C350; the C63.

Front-view Porsche corner

A pair of Subaru Forester STi present in this session

Honda S2000 Type S with an aftermarket hardtop; sweet spec

Whole assortment of Honda S2000's parked
in line

Another mega group of Honda Accord Euro R

Few favorite panning shots

This might be one of the last, if not the very last W202 estates in the country.

Civic EK4 photo is another little highlight for me

Here's the 911 Dakar that is (my guess) the highlight of the event. A very smart looking car, although I would compare it more with those crossover things that have the same plastics on the fenders.

A very elusive model that not many people don't know about; Mitsubishi Sigma.

The other WRX GC8; this being a 555 special edition.

That's all I have for today folks. Have a nice week.


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