Car Life SG; Digital and Real car culture of the 2020's, compressed in early 2000's format (At best)
This blog is dedicated to our sharings about general car enthusiast life in Singapore and others, a bit of a personal memorial of our youth and what we've done, seen, experienced, enjoyed. Sadly due to how things are run here, not all cars can live a full life as they would be intended. As such, we will try to document whatever we can and archive photos of what will one day become forgottens of the past. Life is a finite experience.
Singapore - 13/11/23 - New Cars N Kopi meet. The last one was all the way in August, so its been a long wait for another one to be organiz...
If you're looking for any specific content (i.e specific cars, etc), please use the search function and use your PC's Ctrl + F Search function. Unfortunately due to Blogger's shortcomings, the website's search function is not intuitive, so the Ctrl + F function helps alot. Happy reading!
Saturday, 12 August 2023
Traffic Spots #1: 12/8/23
Traffic Spots #1: 12/8/23
Singapore - 12/8/23 - Traffic Movement is going to be an archive segment of the blog, whereby this will prove to be part of a backup of photos in case of complete loss of data (Which did happen and has lost me 6 years of photos and data)
As the content is going to feature uncensored number plates, please email if there is a vehicle that needs censoring/removal.
Given there needs some form of attention-grabbing header, the (SE61Y) Koenigsegg Agera S+ Medusa is a good start.
Song title: Like A Bird - Gran Turismo 5 OST
(The same video, uploaded to Blogger as a backup)
This will prove to be the second Koenigsegg I've gotten the opportunity to see, the first being the previously plated EA4A red Agera RS spotted in the wild.
This Agera now deposited, other cars taken within the same day will be posted, relevant information included.
I would love to see the Medusa with the hard top removed and driving