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Sunday, 20 August 2023

SG Archives: Honda Civic Type R (EK9)

 SG Archives: Honda Civic Type R

Singapore - 20/8/23 - Today in 2023, most EK chassis Honda Civic's are at best, the SiR. The SiR is the EK4, which is the next best to the Type R.

The Honda Civic has lived a infamous lineage, beginning production in 1972 and still thriving in 2023, with the FE/FL chassis model, its 11th generation. Whilst the Civic had some level of performance prowess in its early days, namely starting from the EF (4th gen), the infamous Type R nameplate only appeared on the Civic in its 6th generation.

Image Courtesy of FIA

What differentiated the Type R from its SiR sibling, apart from paint and iconic graphics, was the B16B motor and rigid chassis over similar trims. Paired with a mostly red interior and a titanium shift knob, Honda had made what is effectively, the birth of an icon.

Whilst a sedan, the Civic Type R has
definitely give nrise to one of the most 
popular platforms in the Japanese car scene.

The CTR (Civic Type R) was introduced in 1997, meaning that early models can only be registered in Singapore as early as 2032. As this post was written in 2023, there's a whole 9 years before any of that magic can happen.

Currently, the mostly agreed on on-the-road figure for the EK9 is 2. I have been told stories of owners converting their chassis to EK9's through certain methods, but otherwise, the official figure of EK9's that stayed as EK9's since day one is two. At the time of writing, one unit is visually stock whilst the second sports an almost, if not complete Spoon set.

Back in 2022, I managed to chance upon the visually untouched unit, the photos being shown above located in Millenia Walk. Just the previous night did I manage to find it again. You'll have much more luck finding exotics, but my best wishes to you should you want to find one of these in the wild.


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