
This blog is dedicated to our sharings about general car enthusiast life in Singapore and others, a bit of a personal memorial of our youth and what we've done, seen, experienced, enjoyed. Sadly due to how things are run here, not all cars can live a full life as they would be intended. As such, we will try to document whatever we can and archive photos of what will one day become forgottens of the past. Life is a finite experience.

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Thursday, 29 December 2022

Start Of The Blog: A second trial attempt

 Written 29/12/22

Simply to start, this will be the beginning of a new vlog written up by me. What would be a third attempt at a blog that'll be backed by me and me only, let's hope this will stay true! Alas, here will be the beginning of many stories, old and new, real and virtual, cars and others, it'll be diverse, but mainly, this will be focusing mostly on automobiles. Let's see how long this'll run! 

What should you expect from this blog page? (I would like to reiterate separately) Lots. Of course, this will focus centrally on automobiles. It mainly will consist of real cars taken in Singapore, but this won't always be the case, as stories from Malaysia and even in virtual spaces in games will be part of the blog! There will also be some posts regarding photography, the gaming industry, my thoughts and opinions, anime and a few more. It won't be fully professional and formal, lots of informal humor and socially unethic jokes may slip in, but we'll see.

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